
E&S Healthcare promises a healthier life for mankind.

Press release

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Breast Cancer Diagnostic Kit 'DxMe® BC' - Supply to ADCAN Pharma in UAE (Entered Middle East Market)
Writer 관리자 Search 468
Date 2023-10-18
Attachments file 20231018_114651.png (309,381 KB, Download : 65)
Breast Cancer Diagnostic Kit 'DxMe® BC' - Supply to ADCAN Pharma in UAE (Entered Middle East Market) [첨부 이미지1]


▶ Exclusive Supply Contract Signed with ADCAN Pharma for Blood-based Breast cancer diagnostic Kit 'DxMe® BC' ​ in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

▶ E&S Healthcare Introduces DxMe® BC Kit to ADCAN Pharma and Plans to Introduce Ovarian Cancer Diagnostic Kit in the Future.​



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