
E&S Healthcare promises a healthier life for mankind.

Press release

Press release 게시판의 상세내역 확인

Press release 게시판의 제목, 작성자, 등록일, 조회수, 첨부파일, 내용 등의 정보를 목록으로 제공하고 있다.

Quantitation of Serum Trx1 Could Mitigate Difficulty to Detect Breast Cancer from Dense Breasts by Mammography(Daily Pharm Korea released)
Writer 관리자 Search 1342
Date 2020-12-18
Attachments file 데일리팜_SABCS.JPG (93,508 KB, Download : 227)
Quantitation of Serum Trx1 Could Mitigate Difficulty to Detect Breast Cancer from Dense Breasts by Mammography(Daily Pharm Korea released) [첨부 이미지1]  

